Relationship Counseling Worcester, MA
Relationship Counseling in Worcester, Massachusetts
You love your partner and used to enjoy spending time together, but now you find yourselves falling into the same arguments over and over again. You feel like you are speaking different languages. No matter how hard you try, it seems like you both can’t shift the conflict into a discussion that is useful. Other times you attempt to avoid conflict by walking on eggshells, isolating, or not talking about what needs to be addressed until another “blow-up” happens. Resentment and defensiveness grow and you both end up feeling more and more alone.
My name is Meghan, and I Can Help
My belief is that each couple “co-creates” their relationship. No one-person is responsible for the challenges or the successes in the relationship.
I notice that sometimes one member of the couple comes to therapy hoping to “change their partner,” meanwhile the other partner is afraid that I am going to take sides or that they will be blamed.
In our sessions I will help you and your partner understand the helpful and unhelpful patterns you both bring to the relationship and how they interact together, while learning how to shift these patterns into healthy connections. You will gain a greater understanding of yourself and each other, thus increasing the empathy that you will both feel for one another and for yourself. Through you and your partner increasing your awareness and compassion for each other, you can work on building and strengthening a healthy relationship.
Contact me for a free Relationship Counseling consultation
If both people in the couple are ready to change ineffective patterns and accept responsibility for the work it will take to build a healthier and more satisfying relationship, please call me at 508.203.7728 to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.